Hi! =) Art of the characters from the book "Fiery Winds of Chaos" by writer Juli Hamlin. Description of the scene by Juli: " A scene from chapter 1 of my book, Fiery Winds of Chaos. This is my character, Callidor Blackfury, a shape-shifting half-breed mage. He's riding his hellsteed mount, Cruequus, who stands nearly 7 feet tall at the shoulder, through the streets of the port city of Lanfayl after a 3 and a half month ocean voyage to the war-torn country of Galea. As you can tell, Cruequus is not happy being in city and wants nothing more than to stretch his legs and run before catching his first real meal in months. Although more patient, Callidor also wants to leave the city behind so he can shift back into his half-breed form and fly. Callidor's packhorse, Suva, is just glad to be off the ship and excited to see all the new sights and sounds. " I hope you like it! ^w^